Ивановская областная прокуратура сообщает о наказании для управляющей компании, которая игнорировала необходимость ремонта многоквартирного дома, соответственно, возник вопрос о безопасности жильцов
The main idea of the text is that an Ivanovsk Oblast managing company (УК) will face a 250,000-ruble fine for neglecting necessary repairs in a high-rise building located at 89 Smirov Street.
The prosecutor's office found the УК guilty of violating licensing requirements by neglecting the safety of residents.
The building suffers from significant damage, including crumbling balcony slabs, cracked facades, and exposed rebar. The УК has been ordered to rectify these issues in addition to paying the fine.
The main idea of the text is that an Ivanovsk Oblast managing company (УК) will face a 250,000-ruble fine for neglecting necessary repairs in a high-rise building located at 89 Smirov Street. The prosecutor's office found the УК guilty of violating licensing requirements by neglecting the safety of residents. The building suffers from significant damage, including crumbling balcony slabs, cracked facades, and exposed rebar. The УК has been ordered to rectify these issues in addition to paying the fine.